Exclusively on Balaurea.Introduction : Bidding for a land allow your legion to fight for a land, attacking the current land owner (players if already owned by a legion, or balaurs the land doesn't have any legion owning the land).
Only brigade generals can bid, and declare their intention to conquer a specific land.
Command utilisation: - Code:
//legionwars bid <mapname> <kinah>
- Code:
//legionwars bid poeta 2000000
* You can bid for a land only during the server bidding status, which is on
tuesday, from 9am to 7pm (gmt+1)
* The start and end-time for server bidding state will have a
5 minutes randomised delay. The end of the bids can be at 7pm, like it can be at 7:04pm.
* You can't
cancel a bid
* Your legion must have at least
5 members to be able to bid.
* You can bid for a land according to
your race only.
* You can't bid for 2 (or more) lands at same time.
* You can't bid for a land that you already own.
There is a minimum bid amount, variable depending the map you would want to bid on :
* Ishalgen / Poeta : 2.000.000 kinah
* Altgard / Verteron : 5.000.000 kinah
* Morheim / Eltnen : 10.000.000 kinah
* Beluslan / Heiron : 15.000.000 kinah
* Pandaemonium / Sanctum : 50.000.000 kinah
Any counter-offer will require a variable minimum amount of kinah additionnaly to the current bid, depending the map you want to overbid :
* Ishalgen / Poeta : 500.000 kinah
* Altgard / Verteron : 1.000.000 kinah
* Morheim / Eltnen : 3.000.000 kinah
* Beluslan / Heiron : 5.000.000 kinah
* Pandaemonium / Sanctum : 10.000.000 kinah
example : You want to bid for pandaemonium, but someone already placed a 50.000.000 kinah bid on it. You will have to place a bid equal or superior to 60.000.000 kinah to succesfully overbid it.
If you have bid on a land and someone overbid you, you will receive a mail including the kinah from your initial bid.